177 (H) x 70 (W) x 70 (D) cm
Car hood iron, Stainless steel ball
《堆鐵 I》系列作品是由藝術家與黑手師傅共同合作生產,使用汽車材料(尤其是引擎蓋)創作,反映時代及消費主義與現代化文化遺產。作品通過解構汽車符號及材料,展現汽車發展、消費主義及勞動價值的體現。靈感來自日本民間的堆石傳說,象徵無止境的任務。作品堆疊如文化遺址,現代流線型設計寓意進步和未來,堆疊過程喚起對過去的紀念。同時在當代工業材料運用上,存續或轉移,讓材料有新的延續性。
The "Iron Stacking: Build Your Way" series is a collaboration between the artist and skilled automotive mechanics. They repurpose car parts, especially hoods, to create pieces that reflect our times and the impact of consumerism and modern culture. By deconstructing car symbols and materials, the works showcase the development of automobiles, consumer culture, and the value of labor. Drawing inspiration from the Japanese folklore of stone stacking, which symbolizes an endless task, the pieces are stacked like cultural relics. The modern, streamlined design represents progress and the future, while the stacking process brings to mind memories of the past. By using contemporary industrial materials, the pieces continue or transfer the legacy, giving the materials new life.